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Posted by Nur Ozkan on September 13, 2007


I believe the society who talks and discuss that is a democratic society. People are needed to communicate and interact with each other in order to gain more accuracy and democratic culture in the world.

As members of the world community we used to have grassroots’ media tools to understand each other, to know rest of the world and also to be known by them. TV’s and Newspapers still have been doing their jobs as an initiative and massive media tools for centuries but this time we do have both interactive and informative one: INTERNET

Internet’s charming, useful and beneficial features that were created in every single day provide us many opportunities to manage our own communication tunnels. There was not any chance neither to do our own PR nor Journalism by ourselves until Internet.

The media without internet was inadequate to know everything truly, properly and without disinformation. The years without internet have passed with full of negative occurrences in the world such as wars, cultural and political conflicts, and economic instabilities in general; competitiveness, monopoles, high prices, corruptions, violations of consumer rights in particular.

In contrast when the internet became part of our lives we had a chance to have unlimited alternatives to choose, to learn, and to talk.


The blogs, as the latest interactive media channel and precious gift of internet, has brought revolutionary change to transform the way business and communication. Despite no one really see each other; blogs have helped to build more reliable and trustful place to be part of the conversations on digital atmosphere. It has never been cheap and easy to share our ideas and products with millions like that.


Moreover, the Long Tail approaches to the case from economic perspective and point outs that world market has been having a huge turning point what is eventually prevents unfair wealth distributions in all around the world. We have two success stories as an example of Long Tail concept: NETFLIX and AMAZON.

We all can see that how much they are successful on the way of sharing; as a consequence of minimizing costs for both consumer and companies. For instance the large proportion of Amazon’s book and Netflix’s movie sales come from either obscure books that are not available in brick-and-mortar stores or unpopular movies. This can’t be real if we would not have an internet. We were not able to find the movie that our grandfathers have seen many years ago.

Besides Long Tail’s economic positive influences on societies we can also discuss its cultural and political impact on the societies. I believe The Long Tail model might lead to improvement in society’s level of culture as well. As soon as costs go down we would have a chance to see more competitive markets, much more alternatives and finally cultural diversity.

The only point I have been mostly considering is: “An insufficient distribution of technology would remain same in needy part of world?


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  2. Poppy said

    You ask a good question about how the long tail model would work in the needy part of the world. The long tail model relies on superior and cheap distribution infrastructure – the lack of which is exactly the issue where people are still living in poverty. I think the long tail model only applies in mature and luxury economies, but micro lending may be an example of a long tail lending model serving a developing economy. I think the issue in developing economies is infrastructure which strikes me as the exact opposite side of the long tail–(you only get one choice in a highway and everyone uses it.) Interesting to try to think of examples.

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