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Archive for the ‘Online Gaming’ Category


Posted by Nur Ozkan on October 30, 2007

Let’s go back to my childhood for a while. Despite I’m not a huge fan of today’s gaming style, I have my own history with gaming:) As I remember, I have had my first gaming experience when I was about 6-7 years old. This incredible technology was named as Commodore 64.
We were changing cassettes once we finished Pacman ,we were playing another game and fighting about who is going to be  next. It was seemed to me like we were dealing with high-tech at the time. We were playing with Commodore 64 and It was huge deal in my childhood. Now, almost 3 decades later, Commodore became an ancient and games were first transformed to computer games and and finally to online ones. BUT THANK GOD THE PACMAN STILL EXIST!! Even I have Pacman application on my Facebook. Thus we can make that analogy : “Technologies can change but fun always stays in our hearts in same way”:))

After I have searched “Online Games” through Google, the result was unbelievable. The all blue links were saying FREE ONLINE GAMES entirely everywhere on the page. This is an incredible development in online gaming industry in last decade. What is the most attractive point playing game through online? As a result of online social networking and its magnet effect, Massively multiplayer online role-playing games such as SecondLife’s popularity have been growing every single day.

I have experienced SecondLife but I could not spend more than 3 hours to figure out what was goiong on. They are selling, buying, eating, flirting…etc. In short everything what we do in our real lives. At least Kristin Kalning, the Game Editor of MSNBC, describes like that. I have created an account in SecondLife, it took almost hour, and started to look around. Where I am going to go now? I felt terribly alone! I’ve tried to go more populated places but this time nobody accept me to settle there:((( I was getting tried by looking an Ireland for me and getting kicked out from where I wanted to settle each time. I didn’t even know how I could buy a house or private land to build my own place. I was desperate as a SecondLife Resident. Therefore I don’t have positive ideas about either 3D or Virtual World games because first you need to know how instructions work and what the rules are.

I am not in a regret. I insist that they are not welcoming games. I have a precious life and it is so real. Why am I supposed to spend my time to be part of an artificial life? Besides I’m not alone and I’m perfectly sociable person. I don’t want Agent Smith in my life.

However everyone is obsessed with these games. They emphasize themselves with characters who lives in the game. Maybe they can not get what they want in their real lives but their Avatars can do that instead. They can reach whatever they like in their Virtual Life. Isn’t that an Illusion? Indeed people do what they can’t do in their lives and somehow this game continuous. This kind of games can create asocial and character-disorder people.

While I was experiencing other games such as Persuasive Game’s “Points of Entry” Immigration Challenge, “The Arcade Wire” Airport Security, “Presidential Pong” I found them more realistic examples than surreal ones. At least they are part of our daily-base lives. I even felt that these games makes our lives more funnier.

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